Our / Rules

The Salopian Golf Society rules:


Rules of the Society 2025

  1. Maximum Membership 40

  2. Membership Fee £100, to be Paid no later than 1st Feb

  3. Any member not paid by 1st March can not play as a Member,

  4. Monies paid into the society can not be removed

  5. Handicap System Remove 1st & Last then add all Stapleford points, divide by members on the day

    1. -2,This will provide average score of the day, individual scores will then be adjusted by .2 above or below with -2 for the winner & -1 Runner up also +2 for Frog Winner & =+1 runner up.

    2. Max handicap 36 & min 0. Signature of cards is for Stapleford points.

  6. There will be 9 events in the year

    1. Mar- Glynn Edwards Trophy

    2. Apr- 19th Hole

    3. May- Members Wood

    4. June- Captains Day

    5. July- Summer Salver

    6. Aug- Presidents Trophy

    7. Sept – Breakaway

    8. Oct – Baynham Bowl

    9. Nov – Turkey Trot

  7. Memento trophy's will be presented for the above including Victor Ludorum Trophy.

    1. Captains day prizes to be paid from club funds.

    2. Turkey Trot prizes from club funds £40(Winner)/£20(RU)/£10(NP)/£10(LD)

  8. Committee will consist of:

    1. President

    2. Secretary

    3. Treasurer

    4. Handicap Secretary

    5. Captain

    6. Vice Captain

    7. Web Secretary

  9. Victor Points will be awarded from winner with 10 points down to 1 point.

  10. Frog Shirt to be provided by Society(I came Last) and will be worn at the next event.

  11. Subs on the Day to be £35, Betting Money to Pay for 1st & 2nd

  12. Salopian Rule: If required Stroke & Distance can be used to save time going back to where ball was played to speed the game up, but PLEASE note this is a 2 SHOT PENALTY.